ABOUT US - About Our Organization

The UNO has given immense importance to the programme of ''Elementary Education for all'' through out the world. Indian constitution has declared Right to Education as a fundamental Right & the Hon'ble Supreme Court has directed The Indian Government to translate this Right into action. And when all these demand a permanent nature of programme and machinery to fulfill this object of ''Elementary Education for All''--seriously,the Indian Govt.has stated most reluctantly ''Sarba Shiksha Mission'' with a regiment of irregular ill paid Para Teachers on the basis of consolidated low payment and long term contractual basis (60years).

Though the Para Teachers engaged in the ''Sarba Shiksha Mission'' are trying to perform their duties up to the mark, yet their service condition is creating economic problem to their livelihood and mental unrest,resulting out of their indefinite future, for which their sense of responsibility,seriousness,devotion and commitment may be lacking. Para Teachers in different provinces have started movements demanding for improvement of service conditions.Some provincial governments already have sympathetically considered their grievances and improved their service condition in conformity with their demands. In case of West Bengal ,Para Teacher have tried their best to attract the attention of the State Government regarding this problems but all efforts have gone in vain.

Through the 178 PAB &195 PAB meeting which was held in Delhi on 12 March ,2012 & 11 March,2013 by MHRD has taken a decision to increase the salary of Para Teachers and other employees who are engaged under SSM.But the West Bengal Government has taken no action till now.We the Para Teachers of West Bengal are also deprived of P.F & other facilities.We only enjoy 180 days maternity leave and 12 days CL +10 Days ML Which is not credited annually where as the assist Teacheres of School Education department enjoy 14 days CL+15 days ML which is credited yearly and can enjoy any time in their service life. But the Para Teachers of West Bengal who had received approval of till atain 60 years of age, Memo No.750(4878)/SSM Dated 10/05/2012 by the DPO SSM are deprived from the same opportunity that are ranted for the assist.Teachers of the same Institution.

Having regard to inability of large section of family owing to proverty and ignorance of rural areas throughout India,but due to laudable steps taken by MHRD ,Govt. of India to cherish SSM thousands of pupils were admitted in the Schools of West Bengal . Huge section of Boys and Girls yet are awaiting to come back to Schools also in near future.

Now we the working Para Teachers under SSM in West Bengal are facing a lot of problems and ignorance by the Govt.of West Bengal and the School Education Department.We are deprived of getting the honour of Elementary School Teacher.As a result of it our present and future are going to an uncertainty. On the other hand Assam and other states have already appointed the Elementary School Teacher's and their process is going on .Our State Govt.has deprived us by avoiding the order of the MHRD on 10th December , 2003.The order says that .............Para Teachers who have the minimum two years of job experience can be given a special certificate or diploma as maybe considered by NCTE to be deemed equivalent to a diploma for the purpose of regularization confirmation and promotion as Elementary School Teachers. But the working Para Teacher under SSM in West Bengal are going to a deep well by the ignorance of State Govt.of West Bengal ,showing the bar of School Service Commission.


A few selfish people like ruling Political parties are trying to misuse the fund of SSM.The Para Teachers under SSM get Rs 5400.00 in primary School in place of Rs.7250/=and Rs.7425.00 in upper primary Schools in place of Rs.10010/= as remuneration per month (according to PAB). Is it perfect? Why Para-Teachers are deprived ?

The Government of Maa Maati Maanus in Bengal are hereby requested to Answer the Question.

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Memorandum to Governor
Judgements of ODL D.El.Ed
MOVEMENT 08/05/2017
Calcutta High Court
State meeting with Legal committee
Well Wishers
Sunando Sanyal
Dr. Miratun Nahar